Legenda Papua Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Legenda Papua Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia cerita The Ugly Duckling:

Cerita dimulai dari sebuah peternakan di mana seekor bebek duduk di atas cengkeraman telur untuk membuatnya menetas. Telur-telur itu menetas satu per satu dan tak lama kemudian 6 anak itik berbulu kuning berkicau dengan penuh semangat.

Telur terakhir membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk menetas dan muncullah seekor anak itik yang tampak aneh dengan bulu berwarna abu-abu. Semua orang menganggap itik abu-abu itu jelek, termasuk induknya sendiri.

Anak itik yang sedih tersebut lalu melarikan diri dan hidup sendirian di rawa hingga musim dingin tiba. Melihat seekor anak itik kelaparan, seorang petani mengasihani itik buruk rupa tersebut dan memberikan makanan serta tempat berlindung di rumah.

Namun, anak itik abu-abu itu takut kepada anak-anak petani yang ribut, sehingga ia melarikan diri ke sebuah gua di tepi danau yang membeku. Saat musim semi tiba, sekawanan angsa cantik turun ke danau dan anak itik itu kini sudah beranjak dewasa, namun ia merasa kesepian.

Saat hendak mendekati angsa, ia sudah bersiap akan ditolak. Namun mengejutkan, angsa menyambutnya. Ia lalu melihat bayangannya di air dan menyadari bahwa ia bukan lagi itik buruk rupa, melainkan seekor angsa yang cantik. Angsa itu kemudian bergabung dengan kawanannya dan terbang bersama keluarga barunya.

Terjemahan cerita rakyat Dewi Sri:

Dahulu kala, di svargaloka atau surga, ada seorang dewa bernama Batara Guru, yang dalam bahasa Jawa Hindu kuno dikaitkan dengan Siwa. Ia adalah dewa tertinggi yang memerintahkan semua dewa dan dewi untuk menyumbangkan kekuatan mereka guna membangun istana baru Bale Pancawarna. Siapapun yang tidak mematuhi perintah ini dianggap pemalas dan akan kehilangan tangan dan kakinya.

Mendengar perintah Batara Guru, salah satu dewa, Anta atau Ananta Boga, yaitu dewa Naga, sangat gelisah. Dia tidak memiliki lengan atau kaki dan dia tidak yakin bagaimana dia bisa melakukan pekerjaan itu. Anta merupakan dewa Naga yang berbentuk ular. Dia tidak bisa bekerja tanpa tangan dan kakinya.

Dia lalu meminta nasihat dari Batara Narada, yaitu adik dari Batara Guru. Namun sayangnya, Narada juga bingung dengan nasib buruk yang dihadapi Anta. Anta pun menjadi sangat kesal dan ia menangis.

Saat dia menangis, tiga tetes air matanya jatuh ke tanah. Ajaibnya, setelah menyentuh tanah, tetesan air mata itu menjadi tiga butir telur indah berkilauan yang tampak seperti permata atau mutiara. Batara Narada menasihatinya untuk mempersembahkan 'permata' itu kepada Batara Guru dengan harapan hadiah itu akan menenangkannya dan dia akan memberikan penilaian yang adil atas kekurangan yang dimiliki Anta.

Dengan tiga telur di mulutnya Anta pergi ke istana Batara Guru. Dalam perjalanan ke sana dia didekati oleh seekor elang. Dalam beberapa tradisi, ada juga yang digambarkan sebagai burung gagak.

Burung itu yang mengajukan pertanyaan kepadanya. Anta terdiam dan tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan karena dia memegang telur yang ada di mulutnya. Namun, burung itu mengira Anta sombong dan menjadi marah dan mulai menyerang Anta. Akibatnya satu butir telur jatuh ke bumi dan pecah. Anta dengan cepat mencoba bersembunyi di semak-semak tetapi burung itu menunggunya.

Serangan kedua membuat Anta hanya memiliki satu butir telur untuk dipersembahkan kepada Batara Guru. Kedua telur yang pecah itu jatuh ke bumi dan menjadi babi hutan kembar Kalabuat dan Budug Basu. Kalabuat dan Budug Basu kemudian diadopsi oleh sapi Sapi Gumarang. Sapi Gumarang lahir dari seekor seekor sapi betina yang secara tidak sengaja meminum air kencing setan Idajil yang membuatnya hamil.

Singkat cerita, Anta sampai di istana dan mempersembahkan satu tetesan air matanya yang berbentuk telur berkilau kepada Batara Guru. Tawaran itu diterima dengan baik dan Batara Guru memintanya untuk membuat sarang telur sampai menetas. Ajaibnya telur itu menetas menjadi bayi perempuan yang sangat cantik. Dia memberikan bayi perempuan itu kepada Batara Guru dan istrinya Batari Umah atau Uma.

Nyai Pohaci Sanghyang Sri adalah nama yang berikan kepada bayi cantik itu. Dia tumbuh menjadi putri yang sangat cantik di kerajaan surga. Setiap dewa yang melihatnya menjadi tertarik padanya, bahkan ayah angkatnya, Batara Guru pun mulai tertarik padanya. Melihat keinginan Batara Guru terhadap putri angkatnya, semua dewa menjadi khawatir.

Batari Umah telah mengasuh dan menyusui Sanghyang Sri, dan telah dianggap sebagai putrinya, yang artinya dia juga adalah putri Batara Guru. Menikah dengan anak perempuan dianggap tabu. Khawatir skandal ini dapat merusak keharmonisan di surga, akhirnya para dewa yang dipimpin oleh Batara Narada bersekongkol untuk memisahkan Sanghyang Sri  dan Batara Guru.

Untuk menghindari skandal dan untuk menjaga perdamaian di kerajaan surga, dan juga untuk melindungi kesucian Sanghyang Sri, Batara Narada memimpin para dewa untuk merencanakan pembunuhannya. Para dewa mengumpulkan semua racun terkuat dari seluruh dunia dan memasukkannya ke dalam wadah kecil. Racun itu kemudian diam-diam dimasukkan ke dalam minuman Sanghyang Sri. Dia meminum racun tersebut dan langsung meninggal.

Kematiannya yang tiba-tiba telah menyebabkan rasa bersalah dan ketakutan di antara para dewa, karena mereka telah melakukan dosa membunuh seorang gadis yang tidak bersalah. Perbuatan zalim ini telah memicu murka alam semesta dan Sang Hyang Kersa, dewa tertinggi yang biasanya bungkam. Ia lalu menghukum para dewa dengan mengirimkan badai dan cuaca buruk yang aneh ke kerajaan surga.

Dengan air mata ketakutan, para dewa mengambil tubuh Sanghyang Sri dari surga dan menguburkannya di suatu tempat di bumi di tempat yang jauh dan tersembunyi. Namun, karena kekuatan yang dimiliki Sanghyang Sri, makamnya menunjukkan tanda ajaib, yakni tumbuh beberapa tanaman ajaib yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi umat manusia.

Dari kepalanya tumbuh kelapa, dari hidung, bibir, dan telinganya tumbuh berbagai rempah-rempah dan sayuran, dari rambutnya tumbuh rerumputan dan berbagai tanaman berbunga, dari buah dadanya tumbuh berbagai tanaman buah-buahan, dari lengan dan tangannya tumbuh jati dan berbagai pohon kayu, dari kemaluannya tumbuh Kawung yaitu Aren atau Enau, dari pahanya tumbuh berbagai jenis bambu, dari kakinya tumbuh berbagai umbi-umbian, dan terakhir dari pusarnya tumbuh tanaman yang sangat berguna yang disebut padi.

Dalam beberapa versi, beras putih tumbuh dari mata kanannya, sedangkan beras merah tumbuh dari mata kirinya. Semua tanaman yang bermanfaat, penting untuk kebutuhan dan kesejahteraan manusia, dianggap berasal dari sisa-sisa tubuh Dewi Sri. Sejak saat itu, masyarakat pulau Jawa menghormatinya sebagai 'Dewi Padi' yang baik hati dan melambangkan kesuburan. Di Kerajaan Sunda kuno, dia dianggap sebagai dewi tertinggi dan terpenting bagi masyarakat pertanian.

Cerita rakyat Lutung Kasarung atau The Story of Lutung Kasarung dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya

Prabu Tapa Agung was an old king. He had two daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. Prabu Tapa Agung planned to retire as a king. He wanted Purbasari to replace him as the leader of the kingdom. Hearing this, Purbararang was angry.

"You cannot ask her to be the queen, Father. I'm older than she is. It's supposed to be me, not her!" said Purbararang. But the king still chose Purbasari to be the next queen.

Purbararang then set a bad plan with her fiance, Indrajaya. Together they went to a witch and asked her to put a spell on Purbasari. Later, Purbasari had bad skin. There were black dots all over her body.

"You are not as beautiful as I am. You cannot be the queen. Instead, you have to leave this palace and stay in a jungle," said Purbararang.

Purbasari was very sad. Now she had to stay in the jungle. Every day she spent her time playing with some animals there. There was one monkey that always tried to cheer her up. It was not just an ordinary monkey, he had magical power. And he also could talk with humans. The monkey's name was Lutung Kasarung. He was actually a god. His name was Sanghyang Gurumina. Lutung Kasarung planned to help Purbasari. He made a small lake and asked her to take a bath there. Amazingly, her bad skin was cured. Now she got her beautiful skin back.

After that, she asked Lutung Kasarung to accompany her to go back to the palace. Purbararang was very shocked. She knew she had to come up with another bad idea. She then said, "Those who have longer hair will be the queen."

The king then measured his daughters' hair. Purbasari had longer hair. But Purbararang did not give up. "A queen must have a handsome husband. If my fiance is more handsome than yours, then I will be the queen," said Purbararang.

Purbasari was sad. She knew Purbararang's fiance, Indrajaya, was handsome. And she did not have a fiance yet. "Here is my fiancé, Indrajaya. Where is yours?" asked Purbararang. Lutung Kasarung came forward. Purbararang was laughing very hard. "Your fiance is a monkey, ha ha ha."

Suddenly, Lutung Kasarung changed into a very handsome man. He was even more handsome than Indrajaya. Purbasari then became the queen. She forgave Purbararang and her fiance and let them stay in the palace.

Cerita rakyat Dewi Sri atau The Story of Dewi Sri dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya

Once upon a time in heaven, Batara Guru, who was the supreme ruler of the kingdom of heaven, ordered all the gods and goddesses to work together and donate their energy to build a new palace in heaven. Anyone who disobeyed this order was considered lazy, and would have their hands and feet cut off.

Hearing Batara Guru's order, Antaboga or Anta, the snake god, was very worried. Imagine that he did not have the hands and feet to work. If he had to be punished, only his neck could be cut, and that meant death. Anta was very scared, so he asked Batara Narada, Batara Guru's brother, for advice regarding the problem he was facing. But unfortunately, Batara Narada was confused and could not find a way to help the snake god. Desperate, Dewa Anta cried bitterly and mourned how bad his fate was.

However, when Anta's tears fell to the ground, miraculously, three drops of tears turned into granules that sparkled like gems. The granules are actually eggs that have beautiful shells. Barata Narada suggested that the eggs be offered to Batara Guru as a form of request so that he would understand and forgive Anta's shortcomings in not being able to work on building the palace.

Carrying three eggs in his mouth, Anta left for Batara Guru's palace. On the way, Anta met an eagle (there are several versions that say a crow), who then greeted him and asked him where he was going. Because his mouth was full of eggs, Anta was just silent, unable to answer the bird's question. The eagle thought that Anta was arrogant, so he was very offended and angry.

The bird also attacked Anta, who was panicked, scared, and confused. As a result, one of the eegs broke. Anta immediately hid behind the bushes, waiting for the eagle to leave. But the eagle kept waiting until Anta came out of the grass and attacked him again. The second egg was broken, and Anta immediately slithered and ran in fear to save himself. Now there is only one pearl egg that is safe, intact, and unbroken.

The two broken eggs that fell to the ground transformed into two wild boars, Kalabuat and Budug Basu. And then, Kalabuat and Budug Basu are kept by Gumarang cow. This cow is a miraculous incarnation as a result of a female cow accidentally drinking the urine of the demon Idajil so that she becomes pregnant and gives birth to the Gumarang cow.

Finally, Anta arrived at Batara Guru's palace and immediately presented the egg to the ruler of heaven. Batara Guru happily accepted the gem offering. However, after knowing that it was a magic egg, Batara Guru ordered Anta to incubate the egg until it hatched.

After a long time, Anta incubated the egg, and the egg hatched. But miraculously, what came out of the egg was a very beautiful, cute, and adorable baby girl. The baby girl was immediately adopted by Batara Guru and his queen.

Nyi Pohaci Sanghyang Sri is the name given to the princess. As time passed, Nyi Pohaci grew into an extraordinarily beautiful girl. A princess who is kind, gentle, smooth in speech, and virtuous in language captivates all beings. Every eye that looked at her, god and human alike, immediately fell in love with the goddess.

As a result of her beauty, which beats all the angels and heavenly goddesses, Batara Guru himself was captivated by his adopted daughter. Batara Guru secretly had a desire to marry Nyi Pohaci. Seeing Batara Guru's behavior, the gods became worried that, if left unchecked, this scandal would destroy the harmony in heaven. So the gods negotiated a strategy to separate Batara Guru and Nyi Pohaci Sanghyang Sri.

To protect the purity of Nyi Pohaci as well as to maintain harmony in the household of the ruler of heaven, the gods agreed that there was no other way but to kill Nyi Pohaci.

The gods collected all kinds of the most deadly venomous poison and immediately put it in the drink of the princess. Nyi Pohaci soon died of poisoning, the gods panicked and feared because they had committed the grave sin of killing an innocent holy girl. Soon, the body of the goddess was brought down to earth and buried in a remote and hidden place.

The disappearance of Dewi Sri from heaven made Batara Guru, Anta, and all the gods grieve. However, something miraculous happened because of the purity and kindness of the goddess: various plants emerged from inside her grave that were very useful for mankind.

From her head emerged a coconut tree. From her nose, lips, and ears sprang various fragrant herbs and vegetables. From her hair grew grass and various beautiful and fragrant flowers. From her breasts grew ripe and sweet fruits. From her arms and hands grew teak, sandalwood, and various useful wood trees; from her reproductive organs appeared palm trees or sugar palms. From his thighs grew various types of bamboo plants. From her feet spring various tubers and cassava; finally from the tomb came the rice plant, the most useful food for humans.

Cerita rakyat Indonesia Asal Usul Reog Ponorogo or Ponorogo Dance

A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Kediri, East Java. The king had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Princess Dewi Sanggalangit. She was not only beautiful, but also had a great personality. She liked to help people and she never treated people differently.

Princess Dewi Sanggalangit was single. Although many young men had come to propose her to be their wife, the princess still did not want to get married yet. It made the king restless.

"My daughter, what are you waiting for? You are old enough to get married."

"I know that, Father. And I will pray to gods to give me guidance," said the princess.”

Princess Dewi Sanggalangit did not want to choose the wrong husband. Therefore, she meditated, asking gods to give her guidance on how to choose the right husband.

While during her meditation, the princess had a vision. It was seen that in her wedding party, people enjoyed watching a dance. It was not a common dance that she had seen before.

The dancers were dancing following harmonious melody from the Gamelan. It is a traditional music instrument in Java. There were also horses lining up, they were following the bride and the groom. And the most interesting attraction was the performance of a two-headed animal!

The princess told the king about her vision during the meditation. The king then made an announcement. He said that any man could realize his daughter's wish, could marry her.

One by one, they gave up. They said it was very difficult to hold the dance, especially the performance of a two-headed animal. However, there were two men who still wanted to continue. They were King Singabarong from Lodaya Kingdom and King Kelanaswandana from Bandarangin Kingdom.

King Singabarong was a mean king. He would hurt anyone who did not obey him. King Singabarong was very strange. He was a human but he had a lion head. He was a very tall and big man. His head had been hairy just like a lion's head. There were many fleas on his head, therefore he kept a peacock. He always brought his peacock with him. And whenever he felt itchy, he asked his bird to peck and bit the fleas.

Meanwhile, King Kelanaswandana was a handsome man. He was wise and kind to his people. The King had a great supernatural power. He was still single. And he really loved Princess Dewi Sanggalangit. He was sure that he could hold the dance.

Both kings worked very hard. To anticipate his competitor, King Singabarong sent his soldier to spy King Kelanaswandanana:

The report from his soldier shocked King Singabarong. He said that King Kelanaswandana already had 140 twin horses.

King Singabarong was upset! He planned to attack King Kelanaswandana and stole his horses. Soon King Singabarong and his soldiers arrived at the Kingdom of Bandarangin. Finally the two kings were facing each other.

While they were fighting, suddenly King Singabarong felt very itchy in his head. He could not stand it anymore. He asked his peacock to peck his hairy-lion-head. King Kelanaswandana did not waste the great opportunity. With his supernatural power, he whipped King Singabarong.

Amazingly, King Singabarong changed into a very strange animal. His peacock joined his head. King Singabarong had changed into a two-headed animal! King Kelanaswandana immediately brought the two-headed animal and performed the dance.

Princess Dewi Sanggalangit amazed and as promised she agreed to marry King Kelanaswandana. And she was brought to Wengker in Bandarangin Kingdom. Wengker was the other name of Ponorogo. Since then people named the dance as Ponorogo dance.

Cerita rakyat Jaka Tarub dan 7 Bidadari atau The Story of Jaka Tarub and the Seven Nymphs

It was said that somewhere in Dadapan Village there was a pond where apsaras descended from heaven to take a bath.

Jaka Tarub was a young man who lived in a small village. One day, he was hunting for a deer in Dadapan Village but he did not find any deer. While searching fo a deer, he heard the sound of girls laughing. As the place is deep inside the forest, Jaka Tarub wondered why there were girls there. He followed the sound and arrived at a small pond where he saw seven apsaras descended from heaven to take a bath. The apsaras looked like young girls and were very beautiful.

While the apsaras were bathing, Jaka sneaked out and took one of the shawls lying on a rock nearest to him and went back into hiding. He watched as the apsaras were chatting among themselves while bathing. After they finished bathing and getting dressed, one of the apsaras, the youngest and the most beautiful of all, looked puzzled because she could not find her shawl, which was stolen by Jaka. Without her shawl, she could not fly back to heaven. Jaka heard the other apsaras called her Nawang Wulan while they told her that it was getting late and they had to return to heaven so could not stay with her to look for her shawl. After the other apsaras had gone, Jaka Tarub showed himself and pretended to offer his help.

The trustful Nawang Wulan agreed to go with Jaka Tarub to his home. Eventually the two fell in love and got married. It turned out that Nawang Wulan was a good wife and was very skillfull in doing house chores without making much effort. Moreover, their rice supply seems like never decreased after he married her. But Nawang Wulan forbade Jaka to look inside the rice cooker while she cooked rice.

Not long after, Nawang Wulan got pregnant and at due time she gave birth to a baby girl whom they named Nawangsih. Now, added with the task of taking care of a baby, Nawang Wulan still seems to have no difficulties in doing her house chores, while most other woman would have some difficulties in doing all she did.

Feeling very curious about all these, Jaka tried to find out her secret. He did what Nawang Wulan forbid him to do. He opened the lid of the rice cooker and looked inside it. He found out that Nawang Wulan only used one single grain of rice to cook into a full rice cooker. Now he knew why their rice supply was never decreased and that all these times Nawang Wulan had been using her apsara powers to do house chores.

But something happened after Jaka peeked inside the rice cooker. Nawang Wulan began to have various difficulties in doing her tasks. Furthermore, their rice supply began to decrease. Nawang Wulan had lost her apsara powers and became an ordinary human being.

When their rice supply was nearly used up, Nawang Wulan unintentionally saw her old shawl lurking from below their rice supply while she went to the granary to get some rice. To her surprise, she found out that it was Jaka who stole her shawl all along, which made her could not go back to heaven. She was angry, and now that she had find her shawl, she decided to return to heaven. Jaka pleaded her not to leave, but her decision was final.

But before she went, Nawang Wulan asked Jaka to build a hut outside their house and told him to leave Nawangsih there every night, and that he should never look inside the hut while she was there to nurse the baby. Since then Jaka took Nawangsih to the hut every night until she grew up. Nawang Wulan always cared for her family from heaven and always provided help for her family when they needed it.

Dongeng rakyat Timun Mas atau The Story of Timun Mas

Once upon a time, a husband and wife made their home not far from a jungle. They were farmers. They were diligent farmers who put in a lot of effort in the paddy fields. Despite being married for a long time, they were still without children. They prayed sincerely for a child every day.

One night, a giant passed their home as they were praying. The huge man heard them asking for help.

"Farmers, don't worry. I could give you a child. However, you must deliver that daughter to me once she turns 17 years old," the giant continued.

The farmers rejoiced greatly. They accepted the offer without giving the possibility of eventually losing their child any thought. The giant later gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The farmers carefully placed them in the ground. The seeds then developed into plants.

A large golden cucumber soon emerged from the plants after that. When it was fully ripe, the farmers harvested and cut it. They were astonished to see a beautiful girl inside the cucumber. She was given the name Timun Mas, which means Golden Cucumber. Timun Mas blossomed into a lovely girl as the years went by.

Timun Mas was pleased on her 17th birthday. The parents, on the other hand, were deeply depressed. Despite being aware that they had to honor their word towards the giant, they also wished to avoid losing their beloved daughter.

"Please take this bag, my daughter.. It can save you from the giant," said the father.

"What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," Timun Mas replied.

Right after that, the giant came into their house.

"Run Timun Mas. Save your life!" said the mother.

The giant was furious. He was aware that the farmers intended to break their promise. He was chasing Timun Mas. The giant was getting closer and closer.

After that, Timun Mas opened the bag and threw some salt into the air. It turned into a sea. To get across the ocean, the giant had to swim.

Timun Mas afterwards threw some chili. It turned into a jungle with sharp thorns. The giant was injured by the trees' thorny branches. However, the giant was still able to chase after Timun Mas.

Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. They were cucumber seeds. She threw them away and became a cucumber field. But the giant could still escape from the field.

Then there was the last of the magic stuff she had in the bag. It was a shrimp paste, terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp. The giant was still trying to swim through the swamp, but he was very tired. Then he drowned and died.

Timun Mas then immediately went home. The farmers were overjoyed to be back together once more.

Dongeng legenda rakyat Joko Tingkir atau The Legend of Joko Tingkir dalam Bahasa Inggris

The original name was Joko Tingkir Mas Karebet which is the first king of the kingdom Pajang with the title of Sultan Hadiwijaya. His father Ki Ageng Pangging often known as Kebo Kenongo executed by the kingdom of Demak, as being a rebel and that is Nyai Ageng Pengging mother died of illness.

After being an orphan, Mas Karebet raised by Nyai  Ageng Tingkir, and nicknamed Joko Tingkir. Joko Tingkir grow into predisposing brave, and very fond imprisoned. Joko Tingkir also been studied to sunan Kalidjaga and Ki Ageng Sela.

Joko Tingkir devoted himself in the kingdom of Demak on the advice of Sunan Kalidjaga. He stayed at home brother of Nyi Ageng Tingkir, nurses Mosque Demak and rank headman Ganjur, namely Kyai Gandasmustaka. Joko Tingkir became head of Demak-ranking soldier wiratama ravine, because he was good to attract the sympathy of Sultan Trenggono.

Later, Joko Tingkir charge of selecting candidates Soldiers who will be included into a group of soldiers Joko Tingkir. One of the recruits was Dadungawuk. Daduk awuk is the arrogant and often flaunt his power. Because of his pride, Joko Tingkir intends to test his power to puncture Konde. But it turns out Dadungawuk killed instantly. Joko Tingkir dismissed by the Sultan of Demak Trenggono and expelled because of the incident.

Joko Tingkir away from Demak and learning from his father's old Sodara, named Ki Ageng Banyubiru or Kanigoro Kebo. He studied along with the three disciples Ki Ageng Banyubiru called Manca Mas, Mas Wila and Wragil back to Demak. On the way to cross the river using a raft Kedung Srengenge, they attacked invisible crocodile, but the crocodile defeated by the students until the crocodile helped push the raft to the other side.

Joko Tingkir trying to find sympathy for the Sultan Trenggono which at that time was traveled in Mount Prawoto. He took off a mad bull named Kebo Danu. The Water Buffalo rampage after being given a mantra by Joko Tingkir, by giving the burial ground at the buffalo's ear. No one was able to stop the water Buffalo.

Joko Tingkir emerged and face the mad buffalo, and defeated easily. The incident, was appointed by the Sultan Trenggono back into ravine wiratama.

Cerita Danau Toba atau The Origin of Lake Toba dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya

Once upon a time there was a young farmer whose name was Toba He lived in a valley which land was fertile, therefore he was able to support his life by the crops he grew although he was not a rich man.

One day, he felt like he wanted to eat fish so he went fishing at a river not far from his house. The river was usually rich with fish, but on that strange day he did not catch any fish for a long time, so he decided to just go home. Just as he was preparing to leave, his rod and line still in the water caught a big fish. As he lifted the fish, it suddenly talked. The fish cried and begged him to release it.

Surprised to see a talking fish, he released it to the river, but suddenly the fish transformed into beautiful young woman. The young woman said that she was actually a princess cursed to be a fish. She thanked the young farmer for breaking her curse and to show her gratitude, she was willing to be his wife under the condition that the farmer should not tell anybody about her being a fish once or a terrible disaster would be fallen on him. So the farmer and the woman got married and after a while the woman gave birth to a baby boy. The boy grew up to be a child of great appetite. He was always hungry and would eat all the food at the table and would not even leave any food for his parents to eat.

One day the boy was asked to bring food to his father who was working on the field. But on the way, the boy ate up the food he carried. At the field, his father was very hungry and tired after working, but he found out there was no food left for him to eat. This made the farmer lose his temper and in anger, he hit the boy and called him a son of the fish.

Crying, the boy ran home and asked his mother if he really was a son of a fish. Shocked and sad to hear that, his mother told the boy to climb to the hill near their house and to climb to the top of the tallest tree. She herself hurried up to the river where he met the young farmer the first time and disappeared.

The sky turned black and thunder and lightning roared and heavy rain fell onto the valley. The rain was so hard and so long that the valley started to flood. The water got higher and higher until the valley was no more. It had turned into a lake. People named the lake after the farmer, Toba. The hill became an island in the middle of the lake, and it was named Samosir Island. The son was believed to be the ancestor of Batak People of North Sumatera.

Dongeng bahasa Inggris Rapunzel

A long time ago, a girl named Rapunzel was known for her beautiful long blonde hair. Unfortunately, she was locked up in a tower with no doors by an evil witch. The witch never allowed her to go out, which made her lonely and miserable.

One day, a handsome young prince heard her voice and fell in love with her. Both of them decided to flee, but somehow the witch came to know about it. She cut down Rapunzel’s long beautiful hair and cast a spell on her, which led her to live in a lonely desert. The witch also cast a spell on the prince that made him go blind and left him to wander in the deserted forest.

After many years of wandering, the Prince and Rapunzel finally met. Rapunzel was so happy seeing her prince that she started crying, and a few of her tears fell in the prince’s eyes. This brought back his eyesight, and both lived happily ever after in their kingdom.